Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

****Parents we need white board markers for our class. If you could kindly bring some in, that would be a wonderful help!

**** Picture Day is Monday October 27 2014 – Please have students come in their full uniform.

Terrific Thursday!

Students began the day having art with Mr. Monaghan and physical education with Ms. Lovan.

When students returned, we reviewed number facts up to 18. Students completed a worksheet related to number problems using manipulatives to help them solve the answer. Students needed to figure out whether or not they needed to add or subtract based on key words in the question. For example, if the question asked how many are there all together, we knew that this was an addition question. If we were asked how many were left, we knew this was a subtraction question.

Here we are playing an addition game:

During UOI, we discussed the purpose of media and who it is created for. We learned that media is created with a specific audience in mind. This is called a target audience (the group of people who would like and will buy or use it). We looked at different example of media and tried to figure out what was the target audience for each one.

After first recess and lunch, students had French.

When students returned, they wrote their homework in their agendas and then practiced making patterns on a hundred’s chart (skip counting by 2, 5, and 10).

Afterwards, students completed any unfinished work 

and then read a book. Here we are practising our daily 5: Read to Someone

During second lunch, we listened to the 3 times table multiplication song because students were able to recite the 2’s.

Afterwards, we reviewed the important parts of a letter and then we wrote a letter to Flat Stanley explaining why he should come to Canada on his next adventure. We will continue working on these letters tomorrow.
Here we are hard at work:

During Daily 5 we had fun making words out of play dough. We learned that it is important to spell words correctly when we write, because we care about our writing and the people who will read it. When we become better spellers, we become better readers and writers. During word work, students will be working on words that they have trouble spelling. We will be using different methods to spell words: write it, decorate the word, build it with magnets and play dough; we will use foam stickers. I will also see if I can get some sand, so the students can spell the words in the sand and possibly some individual whiteboards. Creating the words in various and fun ways will help the students remember how to spell words they have trouble with.

Here is a video of the students discussing what they learned today:


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Food drive donations
3.     Math test Tuesday, October 28, 2014

4.     Spelling test tomorrow

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