We began the day with an Orange Shirt Day assembly where we learned more about why we celebrate this day and how Residential schools have effected our Indigenous communities.
Then we began writing our math test.
Next, we had a very informative presentation on nuclear energy from Mr. Khan. We learned so much about how a nuclear generator works and more about the uranium atom.
Check it out:
Then we continued writing our math test.
After first recess and lunch we had French.
Then we got into our literature circles and fulfilled our roles for chapter 7. Will Doon help Lina figure out the mysterious instructions she found?
We also discussed our Science Fair projects and began sketching our pre-construction design. These will be due tomorrow and we will begin building our cars tomorrow!
After second recess and lunch we began our second summative for this project.
There are two summative projects for the end of our energy unit.
1. We are building an electric car
2. We are doing research about one of the generating stations we have learned about (hydroelectricity, thermal, nuclear, and wind energy)/creating a report about who Canada should trade uranium with
Project A:
The population of Mississauga is increasing rapidly. The Ontario Power Generating (OPG) Authority is considering which source of energy would be best for our city. Our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is for the use of renewable energy. You are the expert on ______________________. Your responsibility is to present the facts to the provincial government of Ontario to help them to make an informed decision regarding which type of power generating facility to develop.
Assume your area has equal access to all energy sources. You may choose an energy source we have not learned about in class.
Scott and Chesley
Srimanya, Elena, Khooshali
Aarnav and Willem
Elina and Liliana
Project B:
Saskatchewan is a significant producer of uranium in the world and trades this resource internationally. There are concerns that the uranium meant for commercial power might be diverted and used in weapons. Canada’s Federal government needs an update on global trends regarding the responsible use of uranium by other countries. You are the expert on the use uranium in nuclear power. Prepare a research report to present to the government as well as a recommendation on who Canada should sell their uranium to.
Manny and Shane
Ronit and Dhurv
Surhab and Sethumi
1. Read Daily
2. Novel study chapter 8
3. Science Fair - pre-construction sketch
4. Golfing Wednesday
5. UOI test Wednesday