Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Monday, 30 September 2019

Monday September 30, 2019

Marvellous Monday!

We began the day with an Orange Shirt Day assembly where we learned more about why we celebrate this day and how Residential schools have effected our Indigenous communities.

Then we began writing our math test.

Next, we had a very informative presentation on nuclear energy from Mr. Khan. We learned so much about how a nuclear generator works and more about the uranium atom.

Check it out:

Then we continued writing our math test.

After first recess and lunch we had French.

Then we got into our literature circles and fulfilled our roles for chapter 7. Will Doon help Lina figure out the mysterious instructions she found? 

We also discussed our Science Fair projects and began sketching our pre-construction design. These will be due tomorrow and we will begin building our cars tomorrow! 

After second recess and lunch we began our second summative for this project.

There are two summative projects for the end of our energy unit. 

1.    We are building an electric car
2.    We are doing research about one of the generating stations we have learned about (hydroelectricity, thermal, nuclear, and wind energy)/creating a report about who Canada should trade uranium with 

 Project A: 
The population of Mississauga is increasing rapidly. The Ontario Power Generating (OPG) Authority is considering which source of energy would be best for our city. Our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is for the use of renewable energy. You are the expert on ______________________. Your responsibility is to present the facts to the provincial government of Ontario to help them to make an informed decision regarding which type of power generating facility to develop.

Assume your area has equal access to all energy sources. You may choose an energy source we have not learned about in class.


Scott and Chesley
Srimanya, Elena, Khooshali 
Aarnav and Willem


Elina and Liliana

Project B:
Saskatchewan is a significant producer of uranium in the world and trades this resource internationally. There are concerns that the uranium meant for commercial power might be diverted and used in weapons. Canada’s Federal government needs an update on global trends regarding the responsible use of uranium by other countries. You are the expert on the use uranium in nuclear power. Prepare a research report to present to the government as well as a recommendation on who Canada should sell their uranium to.


Manny and Shane
Ronit and Dhurv
Surhab and Sethumi


1. Read Daily
2. Novel study chapter 8
3. Science Fair - pre-construction sketch 
4. Golfing Wednesday
5. UOI test Wednesday 

Friday, 27 September 2019

Friday September 27, 2019

Fantastic Friday!!

Monday, September 30th is Orange Shirt Day, a day when we wear orange shirts to recognize the impact of Residential Schools on our Indigenous communities. 

Caribou Math Contest is back at SJA. SJA students have a choice to participate in the Caribou Cup, which consists of 6 mathematical contests that are held throughout the year. Each contest is offered to students in Grades ½, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, and 11/12. For students in Grade 1 and 2 the cost if free. For students in Grade 3 and 4 the cost is $9 and students in Grade 5 and up are $15. Students must commit to be at school by 7:15 AM with a personal laptop that is charged for each contest date. The contests will run one hour each time, from 7:30 AM to 8:30 PM. There will be a math club taking place on Wednesday mornings beginning at 8:00 AM in Room 39 for those wishing to practice. More information has been sent home. Please use the instructions at the bottom of the sheet to register your child. Good luck to those who participate! The first contest is Wednesday, October 16th.

We began the day with math. We went over the review and did more practice questions as a class.

Then we worked in groups to research a generating station in southern Ontario and we noted interesting facts about them.

We also did a fun activity with energy transformations. While working in groups, Ms. Jaskolka gave us parts of a flow chart, and we needed to figure out how to organize them in order to represent the energy transfusion for each of the types of generating stations in Ontario (hydro, wind, nuclear, and thermal). We especially liked working with the nuclear flow chart!! Many students are fascinated by nuclear energy and we will build on this interest while working on our summative project next week.

After first recess and lunch we had French.

Then we had our electronics party!!!!

After second recess and lunch we had our final and most exciting fall fundraising assembly where 4 teachers were pied in the face!!

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Thursday September 26, 2019

Tremendous Thursday!

Monday, September 30th is Orange Shirt Day, a day when we wear orange shirts to recognize the impact of Residential Schools on our Indigenous communities. 

Caribou Math Contest is back at SJA. SJA students have a choice to participate in the Caribou Cup, which consists of 6 mathematical contests that are held throughout the year. Each contest is offered to students in Grades ½, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, and 11/12. For students in Grade 1 and 2 the cost if free. For students in Grade 3 and 4 the cost is $9 and students in Grade 5 and up are $15. Students must commit to be at school by 7:15 AM with a personal laptop that is charged for each contest date. The contests will run one hour each time, from 7:30 AM to 8:30 PM. There will be a math club taking place on Wednesday mornings beginning at 8:00 AM in Room 39 for those wishing to practice. More information has been sent home. Please use the instructions at the bottom of the sheet to register your child. Good luck to those who participate! The first contest is Wednesday, October 16th.

We began the day with Music. 

Then we worked on finishing off working on our math reviews and getting any clarification needed about the concepts learned during this unit.

Next we got into our literature circles and fulfilled our specific roles within our groups for chapter 6. Did Poppy find the instructions?!?!? 

We also worked on our second thumbnail sketch for our car. 

After first recess and lunch, we had another fun Fall Fundraiser! 
Next, we continued investigating the types of generating stations that make up Ontario’s energy mix. Today they used the data from the OPG Guide and created two graphs: OPG Generating Stations by Type and OPG Generating Stations by Production. Students then emailed me their graphs (ojaskolka@stjudesacademy.com) and used their inferencing skills to answer questions about the graphs and the information they presented. We had so much fun integrating math into UOI!

Aarnav also performed action by bringing in a book and teaching us more about the different types of energy producers.

Way to go! 

Grade 6s will be writing a unit test on all they have learned during the energy unit. This test will take place on Wednesday. When studying, students should:

1.       Read through your notes at least 3 times

2.       Make notes about your reading. Refer back to your notes if you cannot remember anything. More rereading may be required.

3.       Make doodles or a mind map to represent your understanding

4.       Explain concepts to someone

5.       Ask a family member to quiz you

6.       Repeat steps as necessary


1. Read Daily
2. Math test Monday
3. Mind Map due Monday
4. Read chapter 7 and complete role for novel study. - due Monday
5. OPG-ensure to email both graphs
6. OPG questions 15-18
7. Science fair - second thumbnail sketch
8. Math review
9. Laptops tomorrow