Tremendous Thursday!
Today's videos for science fair:
Videos from yesterday and the day before:
Sethumi did action and learned more about idioms!
1. Break a leg: good luck
2. No room to swing a cat: there’s not much space
3. Down to the wire: waiting until the last minute to do something
4. Never teach a pig to sing: don’t try to make someone something they can’t be
5. Get your act together: work better or leave
6. Go back to the drawing board: start over
7. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it: let’s not talk about that problem right now
8. Under the weather: sick
9. To get bent out of shape: to get upset
10. Your guess is as good as mine: I have no idea
11. Wrap your head around something: understand something complicated
12. You can say that again: that’s true, I agree
We began the day taking up our math homework from last night and then wrote a mid-unit review to show Ms. Jaskolka our understanding of our current unit thus far.
We then got into our literature circles and fulfilled our specific roles within our groups for The City of Ember. Ms. Jaskolka will sit with one group every day and take part in our literature circles and observe each of us in our roles. There were so many dynamic conversations today based on the novel! Students then began reading chapter 2 and fulfilling their next role.
After first recess and lunch we had French.
Then Surkhab shared action about batteries and how opposite sides of a battery need to be together in order for the circuit to flow:
Background knowledge on batteries:
We then discussed and watched videos about electrical safety. It is so important that we understand electrical safety so that we can keep ourselves and those around us safe. Students can continue to watch these videos on electrical safety and tomorrow we will create posters encouraging and teaching others how to be safe with electricity.
At the end of the day we had physical education.
1. Read Daily
2. mid unit review for math (most finished in class)
3. novel study read and fulfill role for chapter 2
4. UOI test Oct. 2
5. Math test Sep. 30
6. Golf forms due Sep 20
7. Bring in show box with materials for science fair
8. Watch UOI videos for science fair
9. Penny Saved is a Penny Earned - research idiom
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