Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Friday, 17 April 2015

Friday, April 17, 2015

Fantastic Friday!

EARTH WEEK: Next week the students will be taking part in Earth week. The grade 2s will be going up on stage and giving tips about the various ways that we can all help our planet. Students are encouraged to use their learning to perform action through out the week, such as: bring in a garbageless lunch, recycle as much as possible, use reusable water bottles, etc. We will also be going to the park on Earth Day (Wednesday) and cleaning up garbage so that we can clean our earth.  

Dolapo is our action star today! She was at the library last night and was reading a book that helped her learn more ways how to keep our earth clean!!

Attention all parents and students: We are having our Spring Fundraiser to raise money for a new playground!!! We will be raising money from April 10-April 23.
Our reward for raising a minimum of 35 dollars is going to Planet bowl on April 24.
We also have exciting rewards that will be happening at school when we reach these check points:
1000- Mr. Monaghan will dress up as Elsa or Anna
3000-Mr. Polumbo will be waxing his legs
5000-Mr. Sawatsky Pie in the face
7000-Students water balloon their teachers!!!

Class and individual prizes!!
Starting April 20
The top class each day will receive:
-pajama day
-afternoon movie day
-extra recess
-games afternoon
-go play at the park

Please refer to the package that went home for more information.

We began the day with an exciting house game where students from each grade drew a delicious sundae!

After, we had art with Mr. Monaghan and physical education with Ms. Lovan.

During Math, we found objects that were about 20cm long; we measured and graphed them. We then ordered each object from shortest to longest. We also used a metre stick to measure three pieces of tape on the wall and again ordered them from shortest to longest.

After we continued making our fantastic posters that will be hung around the school so that all the students at SJA can know the various ways that they can help protect the planet.

After first recess and lunch we had French. When students returned they wrote  their homework in their agendas and did some silent reading.

During second recess and lunch student were able to enjoy their yummy sundaes!!

After, we went outside to do word work. We looked in our work on writing books and practiced the words we have difficulty spelling.

1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Sign Spelling Test
3.     Math test next Thursday

4.     Spring Fundraiser from April 10-24: raise 35 dollars to go bowling on Friday! J

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