Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday!

Happy Earth day!!

Every student in our class is an action star today cleaning the garbage in our community!! 
Also, Teni, Saanvi, Dolapo, and Wahkeen are action stars bringing in a lunch with no garbage!! Klara brought in a garbageless lunch yesterday! Great job!!

We began the day working on our review for our math test tomorrow.

After we went for a walk to the park to clean up all the garbage for Earth Day. We noticed there was SOOOOO much garbage on the way and that our Earth is so dirty! We cleaned up everything that we saw so we could make our Earth beautiful and clean! We continued performing action at the park and then we had some time to play also.

After first recess and lunch we had French. When students returned, they wrote their homework in their agendas and then we began learning how to write a persuasive advertisement. Important considerations: name of product, target audience, catchy opening (to catch reader’s attention), catchy words and phrases, reason why the audience should buy our product, descriptive explanation of our product (ensure to use lots of detail describing how the reader’s mouth would respond to your product). We need to remember it is important that the advertisement is convincing (persuading) the audience to buy our product!
We worked trough all these important consideration while creating a new pizza. Here is the advertisement we created together:

Persuasive Advertisement:

Name: Mc’Cheesy Pizza

Target audience: Everyone: who likes spicy or hot food

Are you feeling hungry and are tired of the same old boring pizza? This is the pizza for you! Once you bite it, your mouth will love the cheesy greatness.
You know you want it! You will love how gooey and hot and fresh Mc’Cheesy Pizza tastes! When you finish one slice, you will love that you took that bite! Your mouth will be on fire once you try our new delicious hot sausages and pepperonis!
Limited time offer! So come and get it now!

Ms. Jaskolka really wanted pizza after reading this advertisement. Fantastic advertisement!

After second recess and lunch we practiced our parts for our special Earth week tips to the school. 

At the end of the day we had an assembly for the Spring Fundraiser. We found out who were the top student and class. Two students raised the most for today and got to pie Mr. Sawatsky in the face!!

1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.    Math test tomorrow
3.    Spelling test Friday
4.    Practice part for announcements
5.    Raise 35 dollars to go bowling on Friday

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