Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Terrific Tuesday!!

Action star: Klara brought in a garbageless lunch today!! Great job!!

EARTH WEEK: This week the students will be taking part in Earth week. The grade 2s will be going up on stage and giving tips about the various ways that we can all help our planet. Students are encouraged to use their learning to perform action through out the week, such as: bring in a garbageless lunch, recycle as much as possible, use reusable water bottles, etc. We will also be going to the park on Earth Day (Wednesday) and cleaning up garbage so that we can clean our earth.  
IF students bring in a garbageless lunch on Wednesday, they will get 1000 House points!!! 

Attention all parents and students: We are having our Spring Fundraiser to raise money for a new playground!!! We will be raising money fromApril 10-April 23.
Our reward for raising a minimum of 35 dollars is going to Planet bowl on April 24.
We also have exciting rewards that will be happening at school when we reach these check points:
1000- Mr. Monaghan will dress up as Elsa or Anna
3000-Mr. Polumbo will be waxing his legs
5000-Mr. Sawatsky Pie in the face
7000-Students water balloon their teachers!!!

Class and individual prizes!!
Starting April 20
The top class each day will receive:
-pajama day
-afternoon movie day
-extra recess
-games afternoon
-go play at the park

Please refer to the package that went home for more information.

We began the day having art with Mr. Monaghan and physical education with Ms. Lovan.

During Math we learned about perimeter and how it is the distance around a flat object. We measured the length and width of various picture frames in our math book using a ruler. After, we added all four measurements to figure out the perimeter of each one using cm.

After, we discussed why water is so important: we need it to drink, to wash various items like our clothes and dishes, to take a shower and wash our hands, etc. We then discussed what are some of the problems that the water on our earth is facing: it is getting polluted, being wasted, and we have a limited supply. We then read a book that taught as many ways that we can save water at home, outdoors, and at school. Some examples: make sure to turn off the tap when brushing our teeth, we do not need to water our gardens if it will rain, we can put wood chips or straw in our gardens so the water does not evaporate, etc. We also discussed the various ways that we can save electricity:  turn off the lights when not in a room, turn off the tv when not watching it, we can open the curtains on a sunny day instead of turning on the light. We then wrote about the ways we can conserve water and electricity in our Earth Day Flap Books.

After first recess and lunch we had French. When students returned they wrote their homework in their agendas and then we had Math again. We made various arrangements using 5 snap cubes, ensuring that at least one side of the snap cube was touching another. We then drew our arrangements in our math books, making sure each arrangement has the area of 5 squares. After we did the same with triangles.

After second recess and lunch we had a catch up period and then went into the gym for the Spring Fundraiser assembly. We found out who raised the most money and which class raised the most money and their amazing prizes. The person who raised the most money is getting to make their own sundae and the class gets a movie afternoon!!

1. Read for 20 minutes
2. Math test on Thursday
3. Bowling on Friday: raise 35 dollars
4. Tomorrow we will go to the park and pick up garbage for Earth Day
5. Wear green, blue, and brown for Earth Day tomorrow

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