Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tremendous Tuesday!

Summative project: Students are to create their own mechanism using at least one simple machine. Students are to create something that does not already exist and needs to have a purpose/function for humans. These are to be completed at home and on February 17 students will present their mechanism to the class. Students are also to complete the writing portion at home. 

We began the day with our pancake-eating contest! Students had so much fun eating as many pancakes as they could!!!

After, students wrote their homework in their agenda.

Students were then off to gym with Mr. Slyk.

After, we moved onto our novel study. We first did a retell about chapter 3 in Freckle Juice and then we read chapter four as a class. After drinking the Freckle Juice, Andrew began to feel really sick!! His mom came home and thought he had appendicitis but then she saw the huge mess in the kitchen and realized that Andrew made himself something to eat that made him sick. Andrew stayed home from school the next day but he needed to go back two days later. Andrew did not want to go back and show Sharon that he does not have any freckles but his mom said if he does not go back to school, he will need to take three baths a day for 10 years! Andrew decided to get ready for school.

We then got the opportunity to practice our poem in front of the class. Students all have their poems memorized!! Great job grade 2’s!! I will send home a rubric tomorrow so that students know exactly what they will be marked on during our in class competition next Friday. Some considerations: volume, expression, and actions.

After first recess and lunch, we had Math. Students looked at three shapes: a sphere, cylinder, and a cone. We discussed how these shapes are similar. Some observations: the shapes can all roll and they all have smooth/curved edges. We then looked at a rectangular prism, cube, and a pyramid. We noticed that these shapes did not have curved edges. We also saw that each shape had points or vertices. We also learned about faces and counted them together on these three shapes. We found out that the pyramid has 5 faces and the cube and rectangular prism both have 6. So another sorting rule could be shapes that have at least 5 faces. We did more examples as a class to become familiar with the shapes and the terminology we will be using in this unit: face(s), edge(s), and vertices. We then showed our knowledge in our math books. We first looked at various objects and needed to come up with two sorting rules. Example: My sorting rule is objects that can roll. After we looked at different groups of 3-D shapes and needed to figure out what they all have in common.

We then had French with Mdm. Stella.

After second recess and lunch, students continued presenting their poems. We then worked on a fun Valentine’s Work on Writing activity. Writing prompt: You’ve received a Love-Bot for Valentine’s Day. Your very own robot will do whatever you would LOVE for him/her to do. Write a story about the first day with your Love-Bot.

1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Summative project due Feb. 17
3.     Registration package due Feb. 11
4.     Math pg. 136-7

5.     Lunch forms due Feb. 19

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