Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Updates and Reminders

Updates and Reminder:

Next week is Spirit Week!!!

Monday: Students come dressed in neon colours

Tuesday: Students come dressed in cowboy/girl attire

 Image result for cowboy and cowgirl clipart
Wednesday: PJ day
 Image result for wearing pajamas cartoon

Thursday: Princess and Super Hero Day

Image result for princess and superhero

Friday: Students come dressed in green for St. Patrick’s Day

Image result for st patrick's day 2015

Math testSo parents are aware, we will have our test on 3-D Geometry on Wednesday March 2nd. The Review will go home on Monday.

Family Tree Presentation on FRIDAY:

Students are to complete the two sheets going home today for next Friday March 4th. Students are to fill out the family tree sheet and be prepared to present it to the class on Friday. Students are also asked to come up with another symbol to represent their family tree. They are to draw this symbol on the blank sheet going home and fit all their family members on it (only immediate family: brother, sister, mother, father); students will explain why they chose their symbol to the class during their short presentation. An example: My family likes to go camping a lot and we use the canoe to go fishing so I decided to use a canoe as a symbol for my family and put all my family members on each paddle.

 Culture assignment due Monday

1.   Students are to bring in a picture of an important holiday, tradition, or celebration part of their culture.
2.     They are to explain the holiday, tradition, or celebration to the class 
3.     They will also describe how they celebrate the holiday, tradition, or celebration at home.

(2-3 minute presentation)

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