Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Monday 16 October 2017

Monday October 16, 2017

Magnificent Monday!!!

We began the day working on our lesson six words.

We then had French and then Gym.

After first recess and lunch we worked with related facts during math. Ms. Jaskolka gave us a problem: 8+ ?=12

Ms. Jaskolka asked as how could we find the mystery number? We figured out we can use our knowledge about fact families to figure out this answer!!!

We realized we could do 12-8 to figure out our mystery number.

Fact family:

12, 4, 8

Image result for related facts12-4=8Image result for related factsImage result for related facts

We did some mystery number questions with Ms. Jaskolka. Next we worked on some mystery number activities. One question involved figuring out a robber who took pencils from Ms. Ramcharan. This was so much fun!!!

After these activities, we began organizing all our activities from our first unit.

Following second recess and lunch we continued practicing our organizational skills.

Next we began our new unit of inquiry!! We looked over at our IB board and paid attention to
*    Transdisciplinary theme: Who we Are
*    Title: On the move
*    Central Idea: People choose different ways to migrate from one place to another and
*    Lines of inquiry:
-Transportation then and now
-Reasons people choose to migrate
-Effects on the receiving country after migration
Based on this information we came up with wonder wall questions that we have about our upcoming unit.  We also completed a pre-assessment activity with regards to all the different forms of transportation that we already know about and the use.

Have a great night!!


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Spelling
3.     Cursive

4.     Math sheet about related facts

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