Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Thursday 23 May 2019

Thursday May 23, 2019

Tremendous Thursday!

Track and Field is moved to tomorrow due to the weather. Students can come dressed ready for track and field tomorrow. 

We began the day with Math. We worked on our review. When finished we read chapter 11 of the novel study and answered the corresponding questions. 

Then we had French. 

After first recess and lunch we took up the questions for chapter 10 and had a big conversation about bullies and how it’s important to think about why someone acts the way they do and that children learn many behaviours from the people close to them, just like Janice Avery who seems to have learned many behaviours from her father. We need to talk to people, get to know them, learn to understand their feelings so that we can better understand who they are and their actions. Sometimes, all someone needs is someone to talk to! 

Then we moved onto UOI. We were introduced to our summative project. We will be picking one of the topics with a partner:
-digital ethics
-digital literacy
-inappropriate content
-online privacy 

Tomorrow we will have time to research on our topic in class. Once the research is done, we are going to put together a presentation for a JK-6 class that will occur next Thursday. 

After second recess and lunch we had physical education with Mr. Orr. 


1.    Read Daily
2.    Novel study Chapter 11 and do chapter 10 questions
3.    Summative: pick partner, topic, teacher, time 
4.    Math Review – complete and look over 
5.    Parents sign pledge 

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