Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Wednesday May 29, 2019

Wonderful Wednesday! 

We began the day with math.

Learning Goals: determine probability from experiments 

We did some examples as a class to check for understanding. It is important for student to understand when finding the relative frequency, when doing long division, the denominator (total amount) goes on the outside and the numerator (number of times an outcome occurs) goes on the inside; dividing the denominator into the numerator to find the relative frequency. 

Success Criteria:

I understand that:

-Relative frequency is the number of times an outcome occurs divided by the total number of times the experiment is conducted
-Relative frequency may be written as a fraction, a decimal or percent
- Relative frequency is also called experimental probability 
-The sum of the relative frequencies for an experiment is 1 

The rest of the day was spent working on our UOI summative as well as in French class and physical education. 

It is wonderful to see how much fun students are having with the final summative and taking ownership about how they want to teach their lesson to another class!! We have students creating Powtoons, Prezi presentations, skits, hands on activities, math activities and many more all related to their project on Digital Citizenship!! There are so many creative ideas and out of the box thinking!!!! 


-Math textbook page 413 Questions 1-3 
-Math sheets
-practicing for UOI presentation tomorrow (Students finished presentations and cue cards in class) 

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