Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Thursday 13 February 2020

Thursday February 13, 2020

Tremendous Thursday!

Caribou contest

The next Caribou contest will be taking place Wednesday, February 26th, 2020. Students are to arrive at 7:15 am for a 7:30 am start. They should bring their own charged devices.
The interactive question for Grades 2-10 will be Bomb Defuser and for Grade 11/12 it will be GeomeTree requiring a construction involving lines and circles. Because Caribou’s GeomeTree site can be used to solve the interactive question, this site will be blocked at noon on Tuesday, February 25th. Both interactive questions are accessible from Caribou’s Games/History page.

Contact Caribou directly if you have any problems with the games.

There will be no history question 

Hello SJA Families!

The Re-registration Deadline is fast approaching (February 18 by 4pm), and we want to ensure that your child’s registration is complete when returned, to avoid having to send home for missing information. Some common things that are missed:
·         Signatures on application form
·         Health card number
·         Emergency contact info (other than parent/guardian)
·         3 sets of initials on the tuition fee schedule (one for payment plan, and two at the bottom)
·         Completed payment methods form (parent name(s), student name(s), banking info (or void cheque), selecting business or personal use, and signature

Please ensure that you are returning:
·         Signed application form (indicate any changes to information)
·         Signed re-registration agreement
·         Completed and signed health history form
·         Completed and signed photo permission form
·         Completed and signed payment methods form
·         Initialed tuition fee schedule with payment plan selection
·         Bussing form (if applicable)

We began the day with Math. We went over our math review to check for understanding.

We then reflected on our strengths and areas of improvement and picked specific activities that have shown both. 

Next, we worked on a researching project related to our PEPS connections to the rest of the world. Today we focused on our connection to the United States related to PEPS aspects. Students researched about the political, economic, physical and social aspects of each country. Next week we will compare the information between both countries and find how we are connected to the United States.

After first recess and lunch we had French.

Then we had our secret friend reveal party, revealing who our secret friend was and playing some games. We had so much fun!!!

Have a wonderful family day long weekend!

1. Read Daily
2. Study for our UOI test which will be on Friday February 28 
3. UOI: Canada and United States researching activity 
4. Countries added to map: Turkey, Philippines, Germany, Iraq, Ireland 
5. Optional Math textbook review 

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