Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Thursday 20 October 2016

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Tremendous Thursday!!

We began the day having French with Mlle. Jessica.

During Math, we reviewed what we have learned during our number relationships unit as a class.  We then worked on a math review to help us be prepared for our test on Monday.

We then had physical education with Ms. Jaskolka. We played hot dog tag. We first did a nice stretch and then we were exercising by running around the gym.  

After first recess and lunch, we discussed the four food groups and what kinds of food would go into each one.

Milk and alternatives some examples: milk, yogurt, cheese
Meat and Alternatives some examples: chicken, tofu, eggs, nuts
Fruits and Vegetables examples:  apples, celery, cucumbers
Grain products: bread, pasta, potatoes, oatmeal

We then created our own food plates using the four food groups. We split up the plate into four parts and we drew and labeled the foods we had for breakfast and lunch.

Next, we continued working on our banana explanations from yesterday. We worked on our rough copy today.

After second recess and lunch, we worked on our reading comprehension. We were given a text about apples and we answered various reading comprehension questions to show our understanding. We discussed the text and the answers as a class.

At the end of the day we did word work. We wrote our spelling words in rainbow colours and funky letters to help us be better prepared for tomorrows test. A reminder, this week is a review week. Words were given on Monday from lessons 1-5 (fifteen). I will also pick 5 more words from lessons 1-5 that will be on the test. Students are asked to review all the words from lessons 1-5.

1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Scholastic due Oct. 24
3.     Lunch due Oct. 24
4.     Spelling test tomorrow
5.     Math test tomorrow

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