Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Tuesday October 9, 2018

Tremendous Tuesday!!

I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend!!!

We began the day practicing our mental math skills. Here are some strategies we reviewed: 
-Doubles and near doubles 
-Look for 10s or the nearest 10
-Add or subtract in a different order
-Separate a number into smaller parts to obtain friendly numbers 
50 x 6= 300
300 + 18 = 318

308 +56 – 6
56-6 = 50

197 = 200 – 3 
Then 200 = 452= 652 – 3 

Using friendly numbers:
197 is close to 200 so we will use the number 200
Then 200+452=652
Don’t forget the 3!

Students went up to the white board and showed their thinking when solving mental math problems. Students then worked in groups to answer problems using various mental math strategies. It was wonderful to hear how students had different ways of solving the same problems and teaching their groups members their strategies! 

Then we had French.

After first recess and lunch students completed their literature circle for chapter 12.

Then we worked on our PowerPoint for our summative project. 

After second recess and lunch we had physical education. 


1.   Read Daily
2.   Finish PowerPoint
3.   Novel study chapter 13
4.   Math sheet

5.   Sign electricity test 

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